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Best Advice For Growing Cannabis At Home

Growing Cannabis Indoor Advice

If you're planning on growing your own cannabis, there's a lot to learn before you get started. To make sure you aren't wasting your time, and that you're getting the best harvest possible, we've summarized the key things you need to know before you get started.

Get The Right Light

Of all the things to get right, the type of light should be at the top of your priorities. Plants of all kinds need to photosynthesize sunlight into energy to grow and thrive. It may be tempting to just try to use the natural sunlight that comes into your house or apartment, but this is limiting for a few reasons. First, not enough light may reach your plant, depending on how big your windows are and where you live.

It may be that you simply don't get enough light in the country you live in. Also, to make your plant grow effectively, and then bud, you need different types of light cycles. Through most of the plant's growth, you need an 18/6-hour split of light to darkness to maximize the plant's growth potential. Once you're ready to make the plant start budding, you need a 12/12 light to darkness ratio. This is impossible to control with the sunlight, but can be quite easily controlled with a lamp in your grow room.

In addition, not all lamps are created equally. A standard light you'd put in your desk lamp won't be enough, and you'll find your plants become spindly and weak. If you're growing indoors, you'll need the most powerful HPS or LED light you can afford and install to maximize how fast and large your plants grow. A great place to get a light for your grow room is growlightinfo.com which has a wide selection of indoor grow lights for any situation.

Choose High-Quality Soil

As well as a light that will make sure your plant gets all the ‘sunlight’ it needs, you also need high-quality soil with all the nutrients your plant needs to flourish. If you're using basic potting soil, then you'll most likely need to supplement your soil with additional nutrients.

We recommend that you use organic soil that has all the nutrients your plant needs to make a start in its life, and then picking a balanced fertilizer and following the instructions to mix with your water as the nutrients in the soils are used up. Be careful not to use too much fertilizer, as this can be as dangerous as using none. Review the amounts you need to use, and dilute with water to the correct ratio to get the best results.

Ventilation And Airflow

The final piece of the puzzle is the airflow around the plant. In the wild, your plant will have to deal with winds throughout its growth, which strengthens the stem. Without this, your plan will eventually collapse on the weight of its own leaves. Have a good breeze blowing against any plant to both strengthen it and provide ventilation.

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